April 27, 2011

Take down at the Trocadero

Extraordinary sight at the Trocadero - the view point from the Right Bank over to the Eiffel Tower and Champs de Mars - a takedown by cops on horseback, in plainclothes and in uniform of the vendors around that site.

First off, usually in Paris, you go to tourist destinations and the vendors just flock around you and flash their wares in your face.  Here they jangle small to medium size replicas of the Eiffel Towers in front of where you're walking, effectively causing you to play dodge with them.  Well, we're just taking in the view after running the gauntlet of vendors and suddenly we see them all in one move sweep up their wares or stuff them in garbage bags and run together across the street around the Trocadero and out of sight!  It was like watching human pigeons take flight!

Then we see another flock of them run east and down from the Trocadero and then back up and over a small pseudo garden before getting stuck.  Then the plain clothes cop takes one of them down and the cops on horseback scare them back into the garden.

Finally they disappear and a few have stuffed their faux Eiffel tower souvenirs in the bushes.

Curious to see how they all moved together - literally like a wave / flock of birds...

Tigs caught some of it on camera and here's her video of a live take down!

- Jet

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